tention of the earlier threads of female adoration that were not sufficiently replaced in adolescence by the equivalent and richer masculine threads. When you see that TVism is one of only 3 behaviour patterns that can reach their peak by an isolated individual, you start to see the magnitude of this early cerebral threading and these still later obstacles to normal behaviour as a male. Only TVism, fetishism, and narcissism can reach their peak with only one individual involved. The latter two are es- sential to TVism in a social application because they al- low this sociological union via the female attire to sat- isfy the TV urge. Since no other person is involved the behaviour is not deviational sexually but socially since TVs are oriented strongly toward women. They still marry and may use their TV am in love play. The absence of another person makes the TV heterosexual by default if nothing else as he may be auto-sexual.
As mysterious as the threads of enthusiasm áre to TVs probing for some specific condition or event, no less mys- terious, to society at least, is the motivation for the TV going around town disguised as a female. As risky and deeply compulsive as TVism is, I hold to a sexually based motive stronger than the Editor's point 5 but of such sub- tle, symbolic and esoteric nature...so weak that it can't sustain eroticism very long. that the term sexual is al- most rhetorical. Its weakness is made up for by the stren- gth of its psychological potential born of years of accum- ulative threads winding up finally into a knot of suffic- ient strength to bring about a methodical, studied, mas- queraded adoration of feminine qualities...we know this as Transvestism.
4 D.
Editor's Note: Although it will be obvious that I disagree with a good part of what Pegie says since this is in reply to my own previously stated views, I am glad to afford her (him he says) an opportunity to state his case. In fairness it must be said that orgiinally this commentary was 22 pages long itself and I had to ask to have it cut down. His case would have been clearer if he'd state it in.
had more space to